school trip作文(优秀6篇)
在平日的学习、工作和生活里,大家最不陌生的就是作文了吧,作文是人们以书面形式表情达意的言语活动。你知道作文怎样才能写的好吗?下面是虎知道整理的6篇《school trip作文》,如果对您有一些参考与帮助,请分享给最好的朋友。
school trip作文 篇一
Last Friday we went for a school trip. There were a total of about 200 students. It needed 5 school buses to take us to the country park where we stay there for a day.Many students are going to take some delicious food . The weather was very nice and we are prepare some programmes .
We are happy.
school trip作文 篇二
Today,i participate in a school trip and have a nice time.
I really expect this trip because the agenda is designed by me. I bring some delicious food and drink and my classmate and i share them on a picnic. I see beautiful scenery. A cute rabbit appears when we are visiting a farm and we play with it respectively.
What a perfect trip!
school trip作文 篇三
Today we visted a farm.
Early in the morning we met at the school gate and went there together.Then the head of the farm showed us around.How glad we were to see the cross and vegetables growing well!At noon we had a picnic lunch in the sunshine.After a short restwe had great fun singing and dancing.Butthe time passed quickly.
Before we knew itwe had to say goodbye to the workers.
school trip作文 篇四
Last Sundayour class decided to climb the mountain.
At first we arrived at the foot of the mountain by busthen it started raining a little but we didn't stop.When we were nearly the topit rained heavily we were all wet and cold.Someone said we should stop but our teacher should keep going on.At last we got to the top of the mountain the rain stopped and everyone shouted happily in happy we felt !
school trip作文 篇五
Yesterday was a fine day.
Our school took a trip to the zoo.We went there by bus.We got there at 8:30 in the morning.There were many people in the zoo.Some of my classmates watched the monkeyssome watched the elephantssome watched the tigers.We took many photos.
We all had a great time.
school trip作文 篇六
Last Friday we had a wonderfulschooltrip.
There are lots of games there.And the most exciting game is the roller coaster.
I felt very amazed when I played it.I enjoyed playing it very much.At about 11:30am we had lunch.
Then we continued playing the games.We left at about 5pm. We enjoyed all things there.
I hoped I can go there one more time.
How wonderful myschooltripwas!
以上就是虎知道为大家带来的6篇《school trip作文》,能够帮助到您,是虎知道最开心的事情。
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