初中生英语作文 篇一
I like jasmine not because it has stunning beauty, but because it gives offelegance and fragrance. Such plain beauty is the right thing to characterizeChinese culture. Never showing off, it stands out strikingly among much morecolorful peers.
The fascination is brought home by American saxophone player KennedyG.Kennedy Gs solo presenting jasmine in the form of popular music.
初中生英语作文 篇二
There was a dog got sick badly, the master decided to help him ended his life and made him rest in peace.
Before mercy killing, the master did many things for the dog in his last day. He held the dog to hang around and saw the scenery and then made the delicious food. The master was very sad and he couldn’t help crying when he saw the dog got injection. Thinking about the illness, he thought he made the right choice for the dog.
The relationship between people and animal is always deep and loyal, many movies about this relationship have moved the audience. Every pet should be treated as friend.
初中生英语作文 篇三
When I was very small, my parents were very busy, so I stayed in the hometown with my grandparents. When I met problems, the first thing I did was to ask help from my grandparents. My parents realized their problem and decided to spend more time with me, so they lived with me. My mother would ask me to help her with the housework. I learned many basic life skills. While my father would help me to do my homework, or sometimes we watched basketball match together. The time my parents accompanied me let me sense the deep love and care. It is worthy of all the things in the world.
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