初一英语作文 篇一
Fuzhou is the provincial capital of Fujian Province, it is a well-known city with 2200 histories of more than years. Lie in the southeast of our country, the straits west bank of gulf very much, population is more than 6,600,000. It is moist that angry Hou is warm, green tree is evergreen. The scenic spots and historical sites are numerous, there were a lot of famous personages in history, for instance: Lin Zexu, Yan Fu, Lin Juemin, thanks Bing Xin, etc. Laudatory title enjoying " banyan city " in Fuzhou.
初一英语作文 篇二
My favourate animal is panda.i think panda is the cutist animal in theworld.It has black and white fur and especially it have black fur around eyeswhich looks like wear a pair of sunglasses.
Panda likes banboo shoots and leaves a lot.I saw panda ate apply and cakesin Zoo before,but I know in nature world they would not eat these things.
Now almost everyone in the world love panda,but only China has panda.
So as a Chinese I feel proud to be born in a country has panda.
初一英语作文 篇三
Mark suddenly had a bad bellyache before class began this morning. His classmates immediately sent him to the Peoples Hospital nearby. In the hospital, the doctor gave him a medical check-up. The result of the examination showed that he was suffering from acute appendicitis and he needed an operation right away. The monitor of his class quickly called Marks father and asked him to come to the hospital at once. After a while)虎知道●www.huzhidao.com(,Marks father came and the operation began in no time. Several days later,Mark recovered.
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