Because of him, I love playing basketball. He is my idol.
Yao Ming is a famous Chinese baskeball player. He is so excellent that he joined in NBA when he was 22 years old. He is the proud of our China. His excellent performance in the match always inspire many Chinese. He looks straightforward and good-nature. And his height about 2.26 meters is as famouse as his skill in playing basketball. Because of him, I love playing basketball. He is my idol.
I like Yao Ming very much who is the idol I like most.
I like playing basketball and in my opinion, he is the best basketball player in China. When he started to play basketball in NBA, I was so excited that I saw the news about him everyday. When he performed well, I was really happy for him. When he did not, I hoped he could rearrange himself and did well in the next game.
What’s more, his personalities attract me as well. He is kind-hearted and humorous. He always smiles and is kind to very body, even his opponents. Although he does not play basketball anymore, I still like him. I hope he can do well in other fields as well.
I like Yao Ming very much who is the idol I like most. I like playing basketball and in my opinion, he is the best basketball player inChina.
When he started to play basketball in NBA, I was so excited that I saw the news about him everyday. When he performed well, I was really happy for him. When he did not, I hoped he could rearrange himself and do well in the next game. What’s more.
his personalities attract me as well. He is kind-hearted and humorous. He always smiles and is kind to very body, even his opponents. Although he does not play basketball anymore, I still like him. I hope he can do well in other fields as well.
One day, when I woke up and took out my cellphone to read the news, suddenly, the news about Michael Jackson’s death shocked me.
My first reaction was that it was a joke or a rumor, because there was always the news about celebrity’s death which turned out to be a mistake.
But as there more information about this man’s death, the fans realized that their idol had passed away. It was such heartbroken, Michael Jackson was the great music pioneer. People lost the great idol. Many popular singers are affected by Michael’s music deeply, they imitate Michael’s dance. Michael’s classic dance likes walking in the outer space, we can see many people imitate him all the time. Michael is such a great idol, though he has gone, his still influences people. He is an eternal idol.
Almost everyone has one idol,or maybe more than one.Someone’s idol is maybe a Movie star.For example,Li Ming. Someone’s is likely to be a Sports star,such as Yao Ming or Beckham.The idols are different from different persons.And my idol is my mother.Why do we need a idol?I think the idol can set an example for us and bring fulfillment.
No mother,no I.It is my mother gives me life.For my safe birthing,my mother had suffered great pain.Mother’s love is the greatest thing in the world.Then she takes good care of me,so I have a happy childhood.In the course,she is so careful and patient.This is the love that I need to learn.My mother is hard-working and diligent.She always gets up early and do the housework,and other things.This sets an very good example to me.
and gradually,I develop a habit of getting up early and help her to do some work.In school,I will go to read books in the morinig.She is also virtuous.She is helpful.When some neighbours need help,my motherdoesnt hesitate help them.I have been doing the same like my mother.And she is attentive,She is supportive of the things I do.When I face a choice,she can let me make a choice.Then she will support me.And when the time that I feel unhappy and heart-struc.
she will console me,then I will restore confidence and my body will be full of strength.
I love my mother very much.She is my idol,the model also.She is the greatest person in my heart.
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