cats and dogs猫和狗

时间:2022-09-06 13:37:24 | 来源:作文库

 a cat can jump.     a cat can go up a tree.     猫能跳,     它也会爬树。     a cat can move its ears.     it can move its whiskers(胡子)。     it can lick(舔) its paws(爪子)。     猫会动耳朵,     也会动胡子,     还会舔爪子。     look at the cat on the grass.     the cat goes purr!     看看草坪上的那只猫,     它正在打呼噜。          a dog can run.     a dog can jump, too.     狗能跑,     狗也能跳。     a dog has a good nose.     a dog can dig(挖) and dig.     it can dig with its paws.     狗有一个灵敏的鼻子。     狗能挖洞。     它会用爪子挖。     look at the dog wag(摇) its tail.     the dog goes woof!     看看那只摇尾巴的狗。     它正在汪汪叫。